Property Description :
Agriculture Land of Khata No.
26/21, Sg.No. 62, K.No. 16, 24,
25 (0.759 Hect.) Sq.No. 66 K.No.
5, 6, 15, (0.759 hect.) 0A No.
601 of 2021 SKÊ 2 Sq.No. 67
K.No. 1 to 25 (0.325 hect)
Sq.No. 68, K.No. 1, 2, 9 to 12, 19
to 23 (2.783 hect) Sq.No. 77,
K.No. 1 to 3, 8 to 14, 17 to 23
(4.263 hect.) Sq.No. 78 KNo. 2
to 10, 13 to 17, 25 (2.783 hect.)
Sq.No. 80 K.No. 1 to 3 (0.481
hect.) total 18.241 hect. out of
which defendant share is 0.607
hect. AND Khata No. 54/48,
Sq.No. 55 K.No. 4 to 7, 14 to 17,
25 (2.096 hect.) Sq.No. 69,
K.No. 13 to 15, 17, 18 (1.265
hect.) total 3.361 hect. AND
Khata No. 34/32, Sq.No. 56
K.No. 3, 8 to 13, 18 to 23 (3.289
hect.) Sq.No. 61, K.No. 18 to 25
(2.024 hect.) Sq.No. 68 K.No.
18, 24, 25 (0.759 hect.) Sq.No.
76 K.No. 1 to 3, 8 to 10 (1.518
hect.) Sg.No. 77 K.No, 4 to 7
(1.012 hect.) total 8.602 hect.
out of which defendant share is
1.228 hect. situated at Chak 36
MMK, Patwar Mandal Kilawali,
Tehsil Sadulsahar, District
Shriganganagar (Rajasthan) AND Khata No. 11/17 Sq.No. 8,
K.No. 11, 12, 17 to 25 (2.200
hect.) Sq.No. 9 K.No. 15 to 17,
24, 25 (1.265 hect.) total 3.465
hect. out of which defendant
share is 0.058 hect. sitauted at
Chak 35 MMK, Patwar Mandal
Kilawali, Tehsil Sadulsahar
District Shriganganagar
(Rajasthan) AND Khata No.
23/23, Sq.No. 2, K.No. 4 to 7, 15
(1.265 hect) Sq.No. 3 K.No. 1 to
18 (4.529 hect.) Sq.No. 4 K.No.
1, 9 to 12, 19 to 22 (2.049 hect.) Sq.No. 8 K.No. 2 (0.253
hect. total 8.096 hect. out of
which defendant share is 0.134
hect. situated at Chak 34 MMK,
Patwar Mandal Kilawali, Tehsil
Shriganganagar (Rajasthan