
Auction Status : Closed

Event Details
Event Type :
Event No. :
NIT Ref. No. :
TATA Capital Housing Finance Limited Vs Mr. Bhagoji Sonu Shelke
Tender / Event Title :
TATA Capital Housing Finance Limited Vs Mr. Bhagoji Sonu Shelke
Event Bank :
Tata Capital Housing Finance Ltd.
Event Branch :
Tata Capital Housing Finance Ltd. Registered Office, Mumbai - BO
Property Details
Property Category :
Property Sub Category :
Property Description :
Description of the Immovable Property: The Residential Flat admeesuring 15.79 Sq. Ws. (equivalent to 170 Sq I-1 carpet area besmg No 523 situate on the Hit Floor in 'DT building of the said Complex to be known as 'Xrbia Abode', on the non-agnattura land admeasuring 2 Hectares 91.38 Arse boring Gat No. 240 out of land totally admeasurirg 8 Hectares 65 Ares as per the sanction layout plan lying and being village Jarnbhut, Taluka Maval District of Fine and within the limits of L la Pahshad Village Jarnbhul and Grarrpanchayal vtage Jambhul the same is bounded as follows On or towards the East Savoy No. 174, On or towards the South: Survey No. 240 (P), On or towards the West Survey No 186 and 192, Or or Iowan% the North: Survey No 176 and 178
Borrower's Name :
Mr. Bhagoji Sonu Shelke
Auction Details
Reserve Price :
Tender Fee :
Price Bid :
Bid Increment value :
Auto Extension time :
10 (In Minutes)
No. of Auto Extension :
Unlimited Extension
DSC Required :
EMD Details
EMD Amount :
EMD Deposit Bank Name :
Tata Capital Housing Finance Ltd.
EMD Deposit Bank Account Number :
EMD Deposit Bank IFSC Code :
Important Dates
Press Release Date :
13 Mar 2023 00:00
Date of Inspection of Property (From) :
20 Mar 2023 11:00
Date of Inspection of Property (To) :
20 Mar 2023 17:00
Offer (First Round Quote) Submission Last Date :
28 Mar 2023 17:00
Offer (First Round Quote) Opening Date :
28 Mar 2023 17:05
Auction Start Date and Time :
29 Mar 2023 14:00
Auction End Date and Time :
29 Mar 2023 15:00
Auction Related Documents
View NIT Documents :
Documents to be Submitted :
Pan Card,Annexure 3/Declaration Form,Annexure 2/Details of Bidder,Proof Of Address
Tender Documents :
Annexure 2/Details of Bidders :
Annexure 3/Declaration by Bidders :